Have You Ever Heard of
a Place :
where the blind people regain their eyesight?
where the dumb and deaf, who have never spoken or heard
a word since they were born get healed and start talking
and praising God saying "Allelluia"?
where the lame start walking, where those who were
bedridden stand up on their own, where those walking with
the help of crutches or sticks walk without that?
where those suffering from dreaded skin-diseases like
Eczema, leprosy, white spots and from different allergies
being cured completely?
where broken families come and then get together, and
start living together under one roof in love and peace,
with respect, care and understanding for each other?
where those suffering from diseases like Cancer - Blood
cancer, Bone cancer, Lung cancer or having any other cancerous
growths or tumours(like Brain Tumour), T.B., diabetes, AIDS
or any other unknown fatal diseases get cured without taking
any medicine or having done any operation or surgery?
where the alcoholics, drug addicts, chain-smokers leave
all their long-time addictions and other bad habits and
live a life pleasing to God, free from all slavery of sin
and addictions?
No, most probably unless and until you have heard
of 'JEEVAN DHAM'. Yes, this is the place where all
these things mentioned above have happened and is still
happening and if you are not convinced or if you do not
believe this, you are most welcome to 'JEEVAN DHAM'
to look through your own eyes, hear through your own ears
and feel yourselves the supernatural, indomitable, indubitable,
inexplicable and infallible power of GOD performing
all these miracles through His Holy Spirit and through the
power of His Word.
Come and
See for yourselves, and you will believe your eyes
for what you see and will believe your ears for what you
hear. Just writing down about something which is unheard
of when happening somewhere to someone will do no good to
him and may not be enough to bring him to complete faith
unless he experiences himself the love and mercy and power
of God. Then he may believe for himself and will then put
his trust in God.
have an enlarged view of the crowd present on Sunday, October
10, 2004, at St.Anthony's School ground click on the picture
or click here.)
Lakhs of people have come here till
now and by participating in the prayer service have got
some or the other blessings from the Supreme, almighty God
through just listening to His Word, by praising
Him and by praying in His name in faith. Every
Sunday, almost four to five thousand people gather
here for the prayer service where about 70 percent
of them are newcomers and about 99 percent
of them are non-Christians. Each Sunday people come from
the other neighbouring states besides the state of Haryana(from
almost all the districts) like Rajasthan(from Alwar,
Bharatpur and Jaipur), Punjab, Himachal Pradesh,
Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat
and the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal etc.
Gents assembled raising their hands and voices to Praise
This is the right hand portion of the crowd as seen from
the front of the stage. A big school ground is still left
over behind them.
Ladies assembled raising their hands and voices to Praise
On the far left side at the back is the cycle stand and
parking area.
So many have witnessed the
wonders of God, the presence of God.
So many have called His name and so many have
brought and called others, their neighbours and relatives,
from far away places, even from abroad, those who are in
need of getting any kind of help, those in pain, those afflicted
with any kind of disease or illness- mental or physical,
those under the slavery of bad habits, evil powers etc.,
So many have believed that it is only one God
who is working among the believers here and healing them
all, giving them His visions and helping and rescuing them
in their times of difficulties, in their times of troubles
and in their times of distress, strengthening their faith
altogether in every way.
Come and and listen to His Life-giving &
powerful Word and just believe in Him and
God will provide you whatever you wish and whatever
you need for He is your Father and He knows everything.
We would be very happy to see you here to
witness God and to build a stronger faith in Him.
do not start worrying : "Where will my food come from?
my drink? or my clothes?
These are the things the pagans are always concerned
about. Your Father in Heaven knows that you need all these
things. Instead, be concerned above everything else with
the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you, and
he will provide you with all these other things.
So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have
enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the
troubles each day brings."
(Matthew 6:31-34)